Words for songs of tomorrow

Tell me if I fight for you
Will we win the war?
Because I don’t know
If I can fight anymore.

Tell me if there is anyone
Who will go and go.
For the distance is long
And we have nothing to show.

For this war.
This war.
This war.
Kills all that was before.

Sometimes we fight for too long. Sometimes we grasp onto the things that we think are of value, only to find that in the end the inflation was too high. The end price more than we could really afford to give, we forfeit the prize we thought was worth the struggle.

The hardest thing to do is step back from the front lines. The step back allowing an observation of the battle, of the wages as they are spent, the third party assessment that we all at times need. That is the fatal flaw to most efforts.

When we fight for too long on that losing front we tax ourselves beyond comprehension. We drain all the resources of our mind, our body, our soul. Tax till nothing is left.

I have fought this fight, and to some degree I still struggle within one. I know you do as well.