Song selection for season 5 of The Voice

I am good today.

I have had a great headspace as of the past week regarding the upcoming festivities auditioning for The Voice. I am really looking forward to the time in the studio, singing for a shot at the title.

The only thing that I do have control over is what I sing. They will know whether or not if they like my voice, my package, my mustard within the first few bars and measures of song number one. It is human nature, animalistic even, that the law of attraction works that way. You know…right away. That is the main thing that I have no control over.

Song selection. It is what can make or break these kinds of things. What is the first thing you usually hear from the judges…”well that was great song selection” or even “unfortunately I am not sure if that song selection works…” and thus it goes. This is the one thing that can drive an OCD person like myself crazy. The what-ifs surrounding song selection and their poison of doubt.

I have been chatting with my local hero Mycle Wastman who you might recall was just on this current season 3 version of The Voice on NBC. I have also been chatting with current season 3 top four finalist Terry McDermott. Terry and I swim in the same circle of musicians and amazing artists. Both Mycle and Terry told me to go into this audition singing what I enjoy to sing. To own songs that I have fun on and that sound good on my voice. So I have been heralding their advice and experience…and I think I have a list:


1. Shake You Down – Gregory Abbott
2. Lips Of An Angel – Hinder
3. The Future – HISTORY for SALE

They allow one original tune in the audition so I thought…shit if I even make it to the third song i would sing “The Future”. I wrote the song about father’s/son’s and the lessons that are and can be passed between the generations, and it is fitting that my father passed away this summer and now I get this shot at the title.

I have so much fun singing “Shake You Down” and it shows everything from falsetto to bass. Plus it reflects the lover of R&B in me.

Lips Of An Angel is a song that I can crush and bring mass power to. I also enjoy the shit out of singing it. I love singing the verses in a pretty higher register…then bringing the pain on the chorus’.

This list is I think 98.672% firm and might see some additions for emergency purposes. But here on this flight…at about 21,000ft it feels right.

For a douche’y nobody this could be my shot…my shot at out-running reality.